High Wire’s President and CEO invited to share advice with other executives
Mark Porter has been invited once again to speak at a WorkMarket webinar for his field service innovation award. He will be joined by Charles Hughes, VP of Technical Site Services at Acuative, and a former Field Service USA Innovation Award.
The two back-to-back winners will share advice for those looking to build a competitive and agile workforce.
Join the discussion at 11:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday, July 25thÂ
[Read more below from WorkMarket]
The two field service executives, back-to-back winners of the coveted award, faced stiff competition from established industry giants, yet both emerged victorious. They both have a lot in common. They’re risk takers. They’re industry veterans. And they both happen to be WorkMarket customers. Reserve your seat for this special event as Charles and Mark lead an intimate, one-on-one conversation on how to build an integrated and hybrid workforce. You won’t want to miss this!
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